Grandma's Influence
The original sign that my grandma made for the Out of Our Gourds sales!
Also 2 of the original gourds that Grandma made into birdhouses.

Grandma's Crafts

Grandma's favorite holiday was Christmas, so many of her crafts were Christmas-themed. These are some of my favorites that I display every year.
I absolutely love how Grandma could take something common, ordinary or old and make it into something beautiful! Driftwood Santa crafts may be one of my favorite crafts that she made.

These are some other favorites I kept, from other holidays that Grandma enjoyed making crafts for! Grandpa would cut the wood for crafts like the jack-o-lantern, and she would paint them. They were a great team!

Let's Not Forget Mom!
It would be an incomplete story if I were to leave out my mom - she is quite crafty as well! From painting canvases, to painting cardboard backdrops for vacation bible school, to painting sunflowers on metal rocking chairs for our deck, Mom has always been a crafty soul as well.
Coming Soon - photos of Mom's work